User agreement

User agreement, user's consent to the processing of personal data
Edition of 04 September 2019

Consent to the processing of personal data, the subject of personal data, in accordance with the Federal law of July 27, 2006 No. 152 "on personal data" I provide ALEV-TRANS (hereinafter-the Operator), located at 143420, Moscow region, Krasnogorsk district, p / o Arkhangelsk, 4th km Ilyinsky highway, building 8, consent to the processing of personal data specified by me in the form of a web chat, a callback order, an application for miscalculation at the address in the Internet domain name and / or nested pages and / or otherwise owned by the Operator.

The composition of the personal data provided by me is as follows:

Cookies (network address of the user's device (IP address of the Internet user), information about the fact, date, time of visiting network addresses, information about the fact, date, time of visiting sites or pages of sites, user search queries, geographical address of the user's connection point, etc.);


phone number;

user name.

The purposes of processing my personal data are:

implementation of activities stipulated by the Charter of the Operator;

the implementation of civil-legal relations;

analyst actions of an individual User on the site and the functioning of the website (through the collection of cookies and transfer of collected information to third parties: Google Analytics, "Yandex.Metric", Yandex.Direct, etc.);

customer feedback by exchanging short text messages in an online dialogue and ensuring the functioning of the communication forms of the site;

promotion of services, including through advertising and newsletters via e-mail and SMS-mailings, phone calls.

search for applicants for open vacant positions of the Company posted on the Company's website.

Consent is granted to perform the following actions (operations) with the personal data specified in this consent (both by the operator and by third parties attracted by Him): collection, systematization, accumulation, storage (indefinite), clarification (update, change), use, transfer to third parties, blocking, deletion, destruction, carried out using automation tools (automated processing).

I understand and agree that providing the Operator with any information about myself that is not contact and not related to the purposes of this consent, as well as providing information related to government, banking and/or trade secrets, information about race and / or nationality, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, health status, intimate life is prohibited.

If I decide to provide the Operator with any information (any data), I undertake to provide only reliable and up-to-date information and may not mislead the Operator about his identity, to report false or inaccurate information about myself.

I understand and agree that the Operator does not verify the accuracy of personal data provided by me, and is not able to assess my legal capacity and assumes that I provide reliable personal data and keep such data up to date.

This consent is valid indefinitely from the moment of providing the data and can be withdrawn by me by submitting an application in a simple written form to the administration of the Site to the e-mail address:

I confirm that these personal data belong to me personally.

I acknowledge and confirm that I have carefully and fully read this Agreement and the Policy of protection and processing of personal data of users of the site (Customers and visitors) posted on the Site. I agree to the terms of personal data processing without any reservations and restrictions.

I acknowledge and confirm that all the provisions of this Agreement and the terms of processing his personal data are clear to me.

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